Refund and Returns Policy


Thanks for shopping at

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.

  1. Once the order has been confirmed, to modify or cancel the order, pls contact us immediately. You may email or call on or +91-8691003515. We will be able to take up any such requests only if the order has not been prepared already. Once your order is ready, you shall not be entitled to cancel the order.
  2. If an item you ordered is unavailable post confirmation of the order, we will inform you of such unavailability. You will be entitled to cancel the order and refund of the full amount paid for the services.
  3. We reserve our sole right to cancel your order if:
    1. We cannot reach you to confirm the order.
    2. The delivery address provided by you is not within the places of service.
    3. Failure to deliver your order due to the lack of necessary information.
    4. Unavailability of the items ordered.
  4. All of our products are handmade, perishable items. As such our chocolates are non-returnable and non-refundable. However, if you have any issues or complaints with your purchase, please contact us. We are here to help.


Once we receive your email or call on or +91-8691003515 for cancellation and refund, we will scrutinize and evaluate the transaction. After approval refund will be initiated. The refund amount is calculated by deducting 10% (shipping and internet payment charges) from your original payment.